Monday, February 2, 2009


Hello to my beloveds and most loved, firstly a GREAT BIG FAT THANKYOU to all of you for wishes and gifts! :) It's probably the last Birthday spent with many of you my friends here, but I'm already very happy and contented! No doubt I was love-filled today! :D

Okay I've noted down the order of wishes I've received and here is it!
Jordan TohWei Bastard MingEn Madel ShaoXuan YongJun Venessa Maryann WeiJie Amelia SiRui ShiQin TohWei Calista Jordan QianYun CherylKhaw Theron Madel RachelLam YiHui Lynette ZeGuang Kelly Marilyn Tanyi CharTeo WeiSeng Vendela Noelle Valerie Karyn CharChoo Winnie WeiKian

Oh ya WeiJie, I forgot to tell you you're the only one that HIT THE SPOT!! :)
& Jordan was definitely typical Singaporean in wishing me luh. FIRST OKAY Thanks la!!!

Anyway, also not forgetting those who wished me verbally! It may be just a simple 'Happy Birthday', but to a birthday girl, it really meant something different you knowwwwwww! :D:D:D

To the girls, love you all sweeties just so much. The cake, the necklace, the unagi, the birthday song, the hugs and repetitive wishes, the Birthday postcards, ... ... LOVEYOUTOTHEMAX-ICO! HA HA HA

To the class, I felt a sense of belonging today! Not that I don't feel it usually, but I felt it TOTALLY today! I love you people to the core! Love Harmony! Three Cheers for you all! ;D
Super thanks to Char & Marilyn who led the class for the song! I LOVE YOUUU!!

To my relatives & cousins, thanks for coming my house yesterday and so-called 'celebrated' my birthday! The gifts, angbaos and wishes are not neglected either!
To my family, thanks the for last-minute celebration plus ice cream cake just minutes ago! Muaaaaaaacks!


M said...

Thankq Nan luv you :) My surgery is postponed as im sick :( no one cares anyway (big sad frown :(

Celestine said...


Char.T said...

I lead the song moreeee! :D HAHA